Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ESPN's Linda Cohn Breaks Out the Big Guns

By MAX CUSTARD, Wire Services

Is it just my eyes deceiving me, or has Linda Cohn been recently *ahem* enhanced? In my defense, I'm not trying to be a misogynistic ass here, even though I've probably just succeeded.

SportsCenter is the only TV show I watch when a game isn't on, so for the staff over here this is a very valid and important question.

Since Cohnie is doing the 11PM show from Los Angeles now, could it be that she felt the pressure to look like every other TV anchor/meteorologist in L.A.? Even Dallas Raines has breast implants for God's sake!

This is by no means a criticism or indictment on either Ms. Cohn or breast implants. I'm all about female enpowerment. I say, good for you!

At any rate, you be the judge...

                 Before                                 After

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